11th Biology Unit 10 Notes According Syllabus 2023

11th Biology Unit 10 Kingdom Animalia MCQs, short and long questions. 1st-year Biology chapter-wise important MCQs, Short, and long notes. Fsc part 1 Biology notes according syllabus 2023. All notes are collected from past papers of Fsc Punjab Board. Fsc Biology part 1 past papers MCQs short and long questions with solution.

11th Biology Unit 10 MCQs:

Fsc Biology part 1 chapter 10 important MCQs from past papers of fsc.

Here are some example MCQs from these notes. Read online Kingdom Animalia MCQs.

Shark liver oil is source of: (LHR. GII, 2014)
(A) Vitamin A and D
(B) Vitamin B and C
(C) Antibiotics
(D) Food

These animals have large canine: (LHR. GI, 2015)
(A) Carnivores
(B) Detritivores
(C) Herbivores
(D) Omnivores

Which is not related to other? (LHR. GHI, 2015)
(A) Kiwi
(B) Eagle
(C) Crow
(D) Pigeon

The integumentary and nervous system are developed from:
(SGD. GI, 2015)
(A) Endoderm
(B) Mesoderm
C) Ectoderm
(D) Mesoglea

The animals without a body cavity are called: (RWP. GI, 2016)
(A) Eumetazoa
(B) Pseudocoelomata
(C) Coelomata
D) Acoelomata

The body cavity of Nematoda is: (LHR. GI, MLN. GI, 2017)
(A) Blastocoel
(B) Pseudocoelom
(C) Haemocoelom
(D) Coelom

Kingdom Animalia MCQs 1st Year Biology:

Enterobius vermicular is called:
(LHR. GI, 2014) (GRW. GII, 2016)
(A) Shipworms
(B) Hookworms
(C) Bookworms
(D) Pinworms

In mollusca, a blue colored respiratory pigment is:
(LHR. GI, 2014) (AJK. GI, 2016) (LHR. GI, 2018)
(A) Hemoglobin
(B) Hemoerythrin
(C) Haemocyanin
(D) Prothrombin

The asexual reproduction in sponges occurs by:
(LHR. GII, 2014) (DGK. GII, 2017) (LHR. GII, 2018)
(A) Fragmentation
(B) Multiple fission
(C) Binary fission
(D) Budding

Pseudocoelom is present in: (RWP. GI, 2017)
(A) Cnidaria
(B) Flat worms
C Round Worms
(D) Earth Worms

Fsc Par 1 Biology Chapter 10 MCQs from Past Papers:

Pseudocoelom is characteristic feature of: (RWP. GI, 2017)
(A) Aschelminthes (Nematoda)
(B) Annelida
(C) Mollusca
(D) Porifera

The cartilaginous fishes contain scales: (LHR. GII, 2014)
(A) Placoid
(B) Cycloid
(C) Ganoid
(D) Ctenoid

The inner layer of most sponges is called:
(MLN. GI, 2016)
(A) Pinacoderm
B) Choanoderm
(C) Endoderm

Number of legs in arachnids is:
(D) Epiderm
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 6
D) 8

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