Caravan Physics MCQs Book Class XI and XII PDF Download

Caravan Physics MCQs book part 1 and 2 with answer keys. Download full book of physics. All chapter wise mcqs are fully solved.

Caravan Physics MCQs Book

Here are some sample multiple choice questions from this book. Read these mcqs or you can download book from the link given at the end of this post.

1018 can be written as standard prefix as
(a) giga (G)
(b) peta (P)
(c) tera (T)
(d) exa IE)

10 15 can be written as
(a) alto (a)
(b) fem-to (I)
(c) pkt) (p)
(d) nano (n)
The errors in a measurement can occur due to
(a) negligence or inexperience of a person
(b) the faulty apparatus
(c) inappropriate method or technique
(d) all of them
The uncertainty may occur in a measurement due to
(a) inadequacy or limitation of an instrument
(b) natural variations of the object being measured
(cl natural imperfections of a person’s senses
(d) all of them
When repeated measurements of a quantity give different values under the same conditions, then this type of error is called
(a) systematic error
(b) random error
(c) blunders
(d) none of them
Winch of the flowing error is due to the some unknown causes
(a) systematic error
(b) random error
(c) both of them
(d) none of them
The tort which refers to an effect that influences all measurements of a particular quantity equally is called
(a) systematic error
(b) random error
(c) error due to UN-certainties
(d) none of them
The error which occour due to some definite rule and Produces a consistent difference in reading is
(a) systematic error
(b) random error
(c) both of them
(d) none of them
Repeating the measurements several times and taking an average can reduce the effect
(a) systematic error
(b) random error
(c) both of them
(d) none of them

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