Kingdom Protista and Fungi Cramming Notes PDF Download

Kingdom Protista and Fungi Cramming Notes PDF Download. Key points notes of MDCAT Biology Part 1 from past papers of entry tests. Don’t waste time trying to remember words and their meanings. Instead, read this guide. This comprehensive cramming guide will tell you everything you need to know about protists and fungi, from the differences between unicellular, microscopic, and macroscopic organisms to how fungal spores are made and spread through the environment.

Difference Between Kingdom Protista & Fungi:

Kingdom Protista is a group of eukaryotic organisms that don’t fit into any other known group. This group includes both single-celled organisms (called protists) and organisms with more than one cell. Kingdom fungi are also called a fungus kingdom, but many mycologists only use this term to group fungi.

There are several phyla in the kingdom Protista, and each one has several classes. Kingdom Fungi is made up of only one class, called class microsporidia. Cell walls are for dividing the phyla into groups. Since fungi don’t have cell walls, they are in their own group. Protists, on the other hand, have four different types of cell walls.

Phylum Oomycota:

Water molds are parasites that can only live on plants and cause a disease called root rot when they do. They also cause diseases in plants or crops, like a late blight in potatoes, downy mildew in cucumbers, brown leaf spots in barley, and sudden oak death in oak trees (caused by Phytophthora ramorum). A lot of oomycetes, like all phytoplasmas, live in water.

These species include pathogens like the ones that cause whirling disease in trout. In the phylum Oomycota, organisms like Pythium, Phytophthora, and Saprolegnia are well-known.

Phylum Myxomycota:

you a lot. Many of them are very pretty, and there are so many different kinds that it has taken a long time for people to figure out how many species there are. They also stand out because they don’t have a vascular system. This means that fluid doesn’t move through their bodies.

Most of them instead exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen when they breathe. Since they don’t have blood vessels, they aren’t really plants or animals. Instead, they are in their own kingdom (the Kingdom Protoctista).

Kingdom Protista and Fungi Notes

Cramming notes collected from past papers on MCAT Biology. Read online or download in pdf given below. Read some major points before you download a file of complete notes.

  1. Protists are the simplest primitive eukaryotes, consisting of about 60,000 – 200,000 species.
  2. Protists include both unicellular and multicellular organisms.
  3. Examples of unicellular protists are; Euglena, Amoebic, Chlamydomonas, Plasmodium, etc.
  4. Examples of multicellular protists are; Spirogyra and Kelps.
  5. Protista can be categorized into three main groups:
    a. Animal-like Protists (Protozoa)
    b. Plant-like Protists
    c. Fungi like Protists

Kingdom Protista Unit Key Points:

  • Trypanosomes are kinetoplastids that cause many serious human diseases the most familiar being trypanosomiasis, also known as African sleeping disease.
  • Termites feed upon wood but they cannot digest it due to the absence of a specific enzyme which brings about the breakdown to digest the wood eaten by termites.
  • Trachonymph lies in the digestive tract of termites which produces an enzyme that helps in the digestion of wood.
  • Pseudopodia stream around the prey and engulf it in a vacuole.
  • Members of the Phylum Foraminifera are heterotrophic marine protists. They resemble tiny snails.
  • They secrete beautifully sculpted shells made out of calcium carbonate or limestone.
  • Apicomplexans are spore-forming parasites of animals. The best-known, apicomplexan is the malarial parasite plasmodium.

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