Man and his Environment MCQs Of Biology 2nd Year Chapter 27

Man and his Environment MCQs Of Biology 2nd Year Chapter 27. Multiple choice questions (MCO’s) (From Previous Board Papers 2014-2015-2016-2017-2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023). Including important long questions of Biology 2nd year chapter 27. Answer keys are given with these MCQs.

Man and his Environment MCQs

Man and his Environment

In the ocean of tropical regions, the temperature of surface water is about: (LHR. GRW. 2014
(A) S°C
(B) -5°C
(C) 25°C
(D) Weather

A treasure of all types of resources essential to maintaining life on earth: (SWL GI, 2016 MRWP.247,
The Nuclear power station can last only for about: (BWP. GI, 2016)(SGD. 2017
(A) Water
C) Land
(B) Environment
(D) None of these

The air in motion is called: (BWP, GI, 2014)(SWL 2013,
(A) Atmosphere
(B) Wind

About 95% of our daily energy requirements are fulfilled by: (SGD. GI, 2015
(A) Nuclear Energy
(B) Hydroelectric Power
(C) Geothermal Energy
(D Fossil Fuels

Which of the following is a renewable source? (FBD. GI, 2015
(A) Oil and Air
(B) Water and Oil
(C) Oil and Natural Gas
(D) Air and Water

The upper layer of the earth’s crust is: (SWL. GI, RWP. GI,2017
(A) Rock
(B) Sand
(C) Soil
(D) Clay

The main reason for the extinction of species is: (LHR. GI, 2017
(A) Population
(B) Overpopulation
C) Habitat Destruction
(D) Parasitism

Species that are in imminent danger of extinction throughout their range is called: (SGD. G1, 2017
(A) Scare species
(B) Threatened species
(C) Rare species
(D) Endangered species

At the time of independence, the population of Pakistan was about: (GRW.GI, FBD. GI. 2014/SGD. GI, 2016
(A) 32.5 million
(B) 50 million
(C) 150 million
(D) 180 million

The study of Human Populations and the things that affect them, is called: (SGD. GI, 2014)(LHR. GII, 2015)(DGK. GI, 2016)(RWP. GIL, 2017
(A) Human Biology
(B) Sociobiology
(C) Demography
(D) Teratology

The world population is expected to be nearly doubled by: (BWP. GI, 2017
(A) 2020
(B) 2030
(C) 2040
(D) 2050

Which of the following act as an environmental buffer? (SWL. GI, DGK. GII, 2014,(LHR. GII, 2016
(A) Desert
(B) Grassland
(D) Forest

The establishment of new forests, where no forests existed before is called: (MLN. GI, DGK. GI, 2015
(A) Deforestation
(B) Desertification
(C) Reforestation
(D) Afforestation

The decline in the thickness of the ozone layer is caused by increasing levels of: (DGK. GI, 2016) (RWP. G1, 2017
A) Chlorofluorocarbon
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Chlorine
(D) Carbon Dioxide

CFCs are produced by: (LHR. GI, 2017
(A) Moving carts
(C) Air Conditioners

Ozone in the upper layer of atmosphere that filters: (MLN. GI, 2016SWL GI. 2017
(A) IR radiation
(B) UV radiation
(C) B radiation
(D) Radiation

The ozone molecule is made up by binding of three atoms of: (MLN. GI, 2018
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Oxygen
(C) Fluorine

Some detergents contain a lot of: (FBD. GI, 2016)
(A) Sulphur
(B) Carbon
C) Phosphate
(D) Carbonates

As CFCs rise to the atmosphere, the ultraviolet rays release: (RWP. GI, 2014)
(A) Chlorine
(B) Carbon
(C) Oxygen

The total area of the world under cultivation is: (MLN, GI, 2014)(FBD. GI, 2017)
A) 09%
(B) 10%
(C) 11%
(D) 12%

The Befouling of the air by anything that may be harmful to living organisms is: (DGK. GI, 2014)
(A) Water pollution
(B) Soil Pollution
(C) Air Pollution
(D) Noise Pollution

Stone cancer is the result of: (LHR. GI, 2015)
(A) Soil pollution
(B) Water Pollution
(C) Air Pollution
(D) Stone Pollution

The steady internal state of homeostasis is known as: (GRW. GII, 2015)
(A) Disorder
(B) Disease
Normal Health
(D) Abnormal Health

Man and his Environment MCQs 

In pure form. Ozone is: (SGD. GI, 2015)(GRW.2018)
(A) Greenish
(B) Reddish
(C) Yellowish
(D) Bluish

Water present in the form of Frozen ice – caps is: (BWP. GI, 2015)
(A) 01%
(B) 02%
(C) 03%
(D) 04%

A chemical that kills weed plants is called: (DGK. GII, 2015)
(A) Pesticide
(B) Insecticide
(C) Fungicide
(D) Herbicide

The percentage of land under cultivation is: (LHR. GII, 2017)
(A) 30%
(B) 21%
(C) 11%
(D) 5%

A single chlorine atom can react with ultraviolet rays and destroy as many as ozone
molecules: (LHR. GII, MLN, 2018)
A  One million
(B) Two million
(C) One billion
(D) Two billion

Water present in form of frozen ice caps is: (FSD. 2018)
(A) 1%
(B 2%
(C) 3%
(D) 4%

Man and his Environment MCQs

Long Questions Unit 27 From Past Papers

Write a note on Fossil Fuels. (MLN. GI, 2016

Describe air and water as renewable resources. (AJK. GI, 2016

What are Renewable Resources Explain any two of them? (GRW. GII, 2015)(MIN, G1, 2017

Briefly discuss sources of energy. (SGD, GI, 2014)(SGD. GI, 2015)

Write a note on wildlife and fossil fuels. (LIR. GII, RWP. GI, LIIR. GI. 2014)(SGD. GI, LIR. GII, 2016)(MLN. 2018)

Write a short note on modification of the environment. (DGK. GI, 2014)

Write an explanatory note on Degradation and Depletion of Resources. (DGR. GII, RWP. GI & GII, 2017)

Write down a comprehensive note on the ozone layer and ozone layer depletion. (GRW, G1, 2014)(FBD, GI, 2015|LIIR. GI, 2016)(FBD. GI, 2017)

Describe the importance of forests? (MLN.GI, 2014)(RWP. GI, BWP. GI, 2016)(GRW. GII, LIIR. GII, 2017)(SWL 2018)

Differentiate between Deforestation and aforestation? Give the importance of forests. (FBD. GI, 2014)(SWL. GI, SGD. GI, 2017)

What is global warming? Give the role of the greenhouse effect in global warming?

Explain the phenomenon of Eutrophication. (LHR. GI, 2015)(BWP, AJK, 2018)

What do you know about the greenhouse effect? (BWP. GI, 2014)(SGD. GI, MLN. GI, AJK, GI, DGK. GI & GII, 2015)(FBD. GI, 2016)

Differentiate between insecticide and pesticide in food? (GRW. GI, GRW. GI, 2015)

What is Acid Rain? Explain its effects on the Environment? (BWP. GI, 2015)(GRW. GI, 2016)

Explain Green House Effect and Acid Rain. (DGK. GI, 2014)(DGK. G1, 2017)

Describe the causes and effects of Acid Rain. (SWL. GI, 2014)

Write a note on Algal Bloom or Eutrophication. (MLN. GI, BWP, GI, 2017)

Define Pollution. Explain water pollution. (AJK. GI, 2017)

Describe wildlife as renewable resources. (LHR. GII, 2018)

Write a note on the greenhouse effect. (GRW. 2018)

Write a note on the degradation and depletion of resources. (FBD. 2018)

Explain the greenhouse effect. Its causes and effect on the environment.

What are non-renewable resources and explain their two types only?

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