MDCAT Test-Taking Strategies For Multiple Choice Questions

MDCAT Test-Taking Strategies: Many students hate multiple-choice tests because they think the only way to do well on them is to memorize the answers. In fact, there are a number of things you can do to prepare for this kind of test, and it’s not nearly as hard as you might think. If you use the tips in this article, multiple-choice tests won’t stress you out anymore. Instead, they’ll be a chance to show how much you know and how hard you’ve worked to get ready for success. Also, read Tips for MDCAT to get high marks

MDCAT Test-Taking Strategies:

Students make the mistake of reading the possible answers before figuring out what the question is actually asking. This inevitably leads them to choose an answer they misunderstood and it usually turns out to be incorrect. Use these four steps to fix this problem: #MDCAT Test-Taking Strategies
1) Read slowly; don’t rush.
2) Focus your eyes on one thing at a time.
3) Read each sentence twice – once quickly and then again more slowly, paying attention to details you might have missed.
4) Understand how each sentence relates back to the whole paragraph.

Here are Tips to prepare MDCAT by PMC

List Of Strategies:

Make Your Best Guesses:
  • Usually, your mind is the clearest right after you’ve read the question and thought about what it says. Try to guess what the right answer will be at this point.
  • Look over the answers to see if your guess is one of them. If it is, you can be pretty sure you’ve got the right answer. Most of the time, you’ve got it. If you’re not sure, check the other answers.

Get Comfortable:

The first step to doing well on any test is to know the material well. This means that you not only need to know what is on the test but also how it is set up. If you can, take a practice test or look over questions from a previous exam. This will help you get used to how questions are asked and give you more confidence on test day.

Answer the Question:

  • This may seem like a no-brainer, but the people who make tests make some great answers that are wrong. Don’t choose an answer just because you think it is right or because it sounds right. It MUST give the answer.
  • Don’t pick a factually correct answer that isn’t the right one because it doesn’t answer the question.
  • After you’ve made your choice, go back and compare it to the question to make sure you didn’t misread it and that your answer does answer the question.

Focus on One Question at a Time:

When taking a multiple-choice test, the most important thing to remember is to focus on one question at a time. Don’t let the other questions on the page distract you. Read the question, then the choices for answers, and pick the best one. Move on to the next question once you’ve answered the first one.

How to Use a Benchmark:

  • Decide if the first answer choice sounds right or not after you’ve read it. If not, move on to the next option. But if it does, mark that answer choice in your mind. This doesn’t mean you’ve decided for sure that it’s the best answer. It simply means that it is the best you’ve seen so far. This answer will become your standard. Compare every other answer.

Also, read National MDCAT Syllabus

  • All of the other choices have to be measured against this one. That choice is the right one. Until you find a better one. When you decide that there is no better answer than the standard, make sure that it really answers the question before you choose it.

Read Carefully:

When taking a multiple-choice test, the first step is to read the directions and questions carefully. This will help you figure out what the question is and give you a better chance of picking the right answer. Also, you should read each question all the way through before looking at the answers. This will keep you from skipping over important information by accident.

Valid Information:

Remember that everything in the question is true and may be needed to figure out the right answer. Not all of the information in the answers is wrong. They are meant to take your attention away, and they often have useless information. If it seems like the question is about two different things, don’t ignore either one. If you first figure out how the topics are related to each other, you will be better able to give the right answer.

Difficult Words:
  • Don’t pick an answer because it has familiar words. Test writers don’t use fictitious words. If you just know one response, be sure it’s correct and answers the question. If you can eliminate it, your odds of guessing correctly rise.
  • Dissect hard words. Consider prefixes and suffixes.
  • Use may, can, often, rarely, etc. Often, a poor response choice lacks these terms but has decisive phrases like “exactly” and “always”
  • Watch out for “switchback words” like “but”, “however”, and “nevertheless”
Get Out of Your Head:

Getting out of your head is the first step to doing well on any test. When you think about things too much, you are more likely to doubt yourself and make mistakes. So breathe deeply and calm down. You know what you’re talking about, so now it’s time to show it.

Difficult Questions:
  • Don’t waste time on hard questions. Try to eliminate obvious wrong responses before giving up.
  • Separately brainstorm each option. Is it a possible answer? Systematically going through each answer can reveal items you missed by scanning.
Watch out for Tricky Questions:

Multiple-choice questions can be hard. They may try to fool you by making one response look better than the others or by changing the question’s meaning. To avoid being tricked, read each question carefully and choose an answer slowly. When doubtful, use the process of elimination. Don’t overthink things; there’s generally only one right response.

New Information Regarding MDCAT Test-Taking Strategies:
  • Correct answers rarely offer fresh information. Adding extra information that doesn’t connect to the question makes an option likely erroneous, even if the remainder of the response is right.
  • Determine the question’s context. One solution may fit the context better than others.
  • Beware of word-for-word repeats. Usually wrong. Correct answers paraphrase.
    Choose scientific-sounding words over slang.
Find the Answer That Makes Sense:

If you can’t figure out which answer is right, look for the one that makes the most sense. Most of the time, the answer that is most likely to be right is the one that makes sense and is backed up by facts. Also, make sure you read all of the choices before picking one. Sometimes, you can find the right answer by getting rid of the ones that are obviously wrong. When you’re not sure, go with your gut (two sentences): If you really don’t know what to do, go with your first thought. Most of the time, the first thing you think is right. Thank you for reading about MDCAT Test-Taking Strategies.

If you have any queries regarding the preparation of the National MDCAT please leave a comment. You may like to download National MDCAT 2022 Book by Dogar

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