MDCAT Topic Wise MCQs Biology Kingdom Protista

MDCAT Topic Wise MCQs Biology with keys. MCAT Biology Kingdom Protista solved MCQs. Kingdom Protista Biology online MCQs for entry test preparation. All important MCQs are available to read online. The correct answer is given in bold letters. keep reading and keep proceeding with your preparation for the entry test examination.

Before you can learn to control the Protista Kingdom, you need to know what it is and how it works. One of the five kingdoms of eukaryotic organisms that make up life on Earth is the Protista Kingdom.

It has both single-celled and multi-celled species that are neither plants nor animals. It also has species that are both simple and complicated. This book tells you everything you need to know about the Protista kingdom and how to get ready to learn more about it in college and in your career.

What is the Protista kingdom?

Eukaryotic microorganisms of many different kinds make up the kingdom of protists. First found in 1773, they are made up of many different kinds of organisms, such as algae, protozoa, and many types of fungi. Most of these tiny creatures live in water, but some of them can also be found on land. Protists are sometimes thought of as being like plants or animals because of how they look, but they are neither. Instead, they are different from both plants and animals in many ways.

What are algae?

Algae are a large group of organisms that we don’t usually think of as being alive. This is because algae usually live in salt water, and most people are interested in things that live in freshwater. There are actually many different kinds of algae. Some live in moist soil or on plants and trees; others live in our oceans, and still, others can only be seen with a microscope.

Save Time Studying Four Kingdoms:

Protista questions don’t usually come in groups like some of their longer cousins do. Instead, you might see one or two questions, then one or two questions about the animal kingdom, and one or two questions about the plant kingdom. This makes it easier to study in bigger chunks without having to wait too long between them.

Find out when your test is and divide your studying into groups of 2–3 weeks, depending on how much time you have before your test. Then study each of these four kingdoms for a week (see below). If you can, do all four kingdoms on the same day. Since they are so similar, they will help each other out if you study them back-to-back.

MDCAT Topic Wise MCQs Kingdom Protista

l Organisms of which of the following kingdom have absorptive mode of nutrition:
A) Prokaryote
B) Protoctista
C) Animalia
D) Fungi
2 Amoeba belongs to which kingdom:
A) Prokaryotic
B) Plantae
C) Monera
D) Protista
3 Which of the protozoa has a striking resemblance to collar cells in sponges?
A) Zooflagellates p
B) Choanflagellates
C) T’ypanosomoa
D) Trichonymphas
4 Radiolarians belong bh of the following protozoal group?
A) Zootlagellates
B) Actinopods
C) Foraminifera
D) Apicomplexans ,
5 Lime stone deposits are form from:
A) Zooflagdlates
B) Foraminiferans
C) Actinopods
D) Apicomplexans
6 Plasmodium belongs to.
A) Ciliates
B) Apicomplexans
C) Actinopods
D) Foraininferans

Additional MCQs Kingdom Protista:

7 Complex specialized flagellates living symbiotically in the gut of termites are:
A) Trichonymphas
B) Trypanosoma
C) Euglena
D) Radiolarians
8 The definite shape to ciliates s given by
A) Pellicle
B) Penicle
C) Calcium
D) Cell wall
9 In which of the following phyla, major food reserves and cell wall are like plants?
A) Rhodophyta
B) chlorophyta
C) Phaeophyta ,
d) chrysophyta
10 Most of the photosynthesis on earth is carried by:
A) Kelps
B) Gymno
C) Angiosperms
11 The only group of algae having no fhgcllated motile cc
A) Chrysophyta
B) Phaeophyta
C) Pyrrophyta
D) Rhodophyta
12 Brown algae are also known as:
A) Phaeophyta
B) Rhodophyta
C) Pyrrophyta
D) Chrysophata
13 Based on molecular data, euglenoids are thought to be closely relate
A) Dinoflagellates
B) Zooflagellates
C) Protozoans
D) Algae

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