Chapter 15 MCQs From Past Papers Fsc Chemistry 2nd Year

Chapter 15 MCQs from past papers of fsc chemistry 2nd year. 2nd-year chemistry solved chapter-wise past papers MCQs Common Chemical Industries In Pakistan.

Chapter 8 MCQs From Past Papers

Common Chemical Industries In Pakistan
(From Previous Board Papers 2014-2015-2016-2017-2018)

Which three elements are needed for healthy growth of Plants?
(GRW, RWP 2014) (MLN. GII, GRW. GII, 2015) (MLN. GI, RWP 2016)
(SGD. GI, 2017) (FBD. GRW. SGD. GI, 2018)
(A) N,S,P
(B) N,Ca,P
(C) N.P.K
(D) N,K,C

Percentage of nitrogen in urea is: (LHR. GII, 2012)
(A) 76%
(B) 56%
(C) 46%

The macronutrients are required in quantities ranging from:
(SGD. GI, 2014)
(A) 4-40 kg per acre
(B) 10-100 kg per acre
(C) 5-100 kg per acre
(D) 5-200 kg per acre

Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer is not useful for: (DGK. GI, DGK. GII, 2014)
(BWP. RWP 2015) (LHR. 2016) (MLN. GILGRW.GI, 2017)
(LHR. GII, SGD. GII, SWL. 2018)
(A) Wheat
(B) Cotton
(C) Sugar cane
(D) Paddy rice

Fsc Chemistry 2nd Year MCQs

Chapter 15 MCQs

Phosphorus helps the growth of, (SWL. GRW 2014) (MLN. GI, DGK. GII, AJK.
SGD. GI, & GII, 2015)
(A) Root
(B) Leaf
(C) steam
(D) Seed

Which is not a calcarious material? (SGD. LHR. GI, 2014) (LHR. GI, 2015) (BWP. GI, SGD. GII, SWL 2017)
(A) Clay
(B) Limestone
(C) Marble
(D) Chalk

One of following is argillaceous material. (SGD. GI, 2017)
(A) Marble
(B) Clay
(C) Lime
(D) Marine Shell

Cement contains gypsum: (LHR. GII, 2012)
(A) 3%
(B) 2%
(C) 0.2%
(D) 0.3%

How many zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln?
(BWP. 2014) (BWP. GII, RWP. GII, 2017) (DGK. 2018)
(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2

Woody Raw Material for paper pulp is obtained from.
(MLN. GII, 2014) (SGD. GI, SGD. GII, 2015)
(MLN. GII, LHR. GII, 2016) (AJK. 2018)
(A) Cotton
(B) Bagasse
(C) Poplar
(D) Rice straw

The nitrogen present in some fertilizers helps plants? (FBD. 2015)
(AJK. 2016), (FBD. GI, 2017)
(A) To fight against diseases
(B) To produce fat
(C) to undergo photosynthesis
(D) To produce protein

During the manufacturing process’ of cement the; temperature of the decomposition zone
rise up to:
(A) 600°C
(B) 800°C
(C) 1000°C
(D) 1200°C

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