Variation And Genetics MCQs Unit 22 With Answer Fsc Biology Part 2

Variation and genetics MCQs chapter 22 Biology 2nd year. All MCQs are provided with answer keys. These MCQs are from past papers of Fsc.

Variation And Genetics MCQs Unit 22 With Answer

  • Variation And Genetics
  • From Previous Board Papers 2014-2015-2016-2017-2018.

The position of gene one chromosome is called its: (BWP. GI, 2014) GRW.GII. SGD. GI, 2015/(DGK. GI, 2016)(GRW, SGD, 2018)
(A) Allele
(B) Phenotype
(C) Genotype
(D) Locus

The genes found in a breeding population constitute: (LHR. GI, 2014) (RWP. 2018)
(A) Genotype
(B) Genome
(C) Gene frequency
(D) Gene Pool

The form of appearance of the trait is called: (SWL. GI, 201-4XMLN. GI, 2016)
(A) Genotype
(B) Phenotype
(C) Karyotype
(D) Heterozygous Genotype

Locus is: (LHR. G1, 2017)
(A) Part of DNA
(B) Position of gene
(C) Partner of a gene
(D) Complement of gene

Mendelian factors were renamed as “genes” by: (SGD. GI. 2016)
(A) Mendel
(B) Correns
(C) Johannsen
(D) Morgan

The cross which is used to find out the homozygous or heterozygous nature of the genotype
is called: (DGK. GII, 2014)
(A) Test cross
(B) Reciprocal cross
(C) Monohybrid cross
(D) Dihybridcross

In a test cross, heterozygous produces: (GRW. GI. 2017)
(A) All-round
(B) All wrinkle
(C) 50:50
(D) None of these

MN Blood group is an example of: (FBD. GI, 201SWAJK. GI, 2016)
(A) Complete dominance
(B) Codominance
(C) Incomplete dominance
(D) Over dominance

Incomplete dominance was discovered by 4’o clock plant in 1899 by: (DGK. GI, 2014)
(A) Devries
(B) Jhannsen
(C) Carl Correns
(D) Tscharmach

Rh Blood group system is named after its: (LHR. GI, 2016)
(A) Discoverer
(B) Rhesus monkey
(C) A Patient
(D) Rhinoceros

The individuals called universal recipients have (GRW. GI, 2015)(LHR. GI, 2017)(MLN. 2018)
(A) A blood group
(B) B blood group
(C) O blood group
D) AB blood group

In 1901, ABO group system was discovered by: (GRW. G1, 2014)
(A) Punnet
(B) Karl Landsteiner
(C) Bem Stein
(D) Wiener

Secretors have dominant secretor gene “Se” on chromosome: (LHR. GII, 2014H(SWP. 2018)
(A) 09
(B) 19
(C) 21
(D) 24

Bombay phenotype is an example of: (FBD. GI, 2016)
A) Pleiotropy
(B) Dominance
(C) Probability
(D) Epistasis

ABO blood group system in man is encoded by a polymorphic gene l on the chromosome. (RWP. GI, 2014)
(A) 07
(B) 09
(C) 21
(D) 10

Human skin color is controlled by gene pairs: (LIIR. G11, 2015)
(A) Two to Four
B Three to Six
(C) Four to Six
(D) Six to Ten

A gamete without any sex chromosome is called: (SGD. CI. 2015 LIGK. GUI. 2017)
(A) Homogenate
(B) Heteroganiele
(C) Isogamete
D Nullogamete

The true color blindness is: (SWL. GI, 2016)(DGK. GI, 2017)
(A) Monochromacy
(B) Dichromacy
(C) Trichromacy
(D) Tetrachromacy

The gene that triggers the developmental process towards maleness is: (LIIR. GII, 2016)

Haemophilia C: (LIIR. GI, 2015)
(A) Affects both sexes equally
(B) Affects men more than women
(C) Affects women more than men
(D) Is non-allelic recessive sex-linked

Blue cone monochromacy is an X-linked trait in which: (BWP. GI, 2015)
(A) Red cone cells are absent
(B) Green cone cells are absent
(C) Both Red and Green cone cells are absent
(D) Blue cone cells are absent

The gene for blue opsin is present on autosome: (DGK. GII, 2015)(BWP. 2017)
(A) 07
(B) 11

Hemophilia is: (AJK. GI, 2015)
(A) X-linked dominant trait
(B) X-linked Recessive trait
(C) Sex influenced trait
(D) Sex limited trait

Green color blindness is called: (MLN. GI, 2014)(RWP. GI, 2016)
(A) Deuteranopia
(B) Protanopia
(C) Tritanopia
(D) Colorblind

The gene pairs which contribute to wheat grain color are: (MLN. GII, 2017)
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three

Hypophosphatemic rickets in an X-linked: (FBD. 2017)
(A) Dominant trait
(B) Recessive trait
(C) codominant trait
(D) Over dominant trait

Deuteranopia is color blindness of: (RWP. GI, 2017)
(A) Red
(B) Blue
(C) Green
(D) Yellow

The maturity-onset diabetes of the young is: (RWP. GII, 2017)
(A) An autosomal dominant trait
(B) An autosomal recessive trait
(C) A sex-linked trait
(D) A sex influenced trait

The gene pool consists of all alleles at all gene loci in all individual of: (RWP. GII, 2017)
(A) Individual
(B) Species
(C) Population
(D) Community

Change in frequency of alleles at a locus that occurs by chance is called: (GRW. 2017)
(A) genetic drift
(B) mutation
(C) migration
(D) non-random mating

About 20% suffer from hemophilia B due to disturbance in factor; (MLN. GI, 2017)
(A) ix
(B) x
(D) xii

A gene with multiple phenotypic effects is called: (LHR. GI & GUI, FBD, 2018)
(A) Polygenic
(B) Multiple alleles
(C) Epistatic
(D) Pleiotropic

Human skin color is a quantitative trait that is controlled by pairs of genes: (DGK. 2018)
(A) 5.8
(B) 4-8
C) 3-6
(D) 4.7
(C) xi

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