MCAT Physics Practice MCQs with Answer Unit No.6&7

MCAT Physics Practice MCQs with Answer Unit No.6&7 This month, we are going over Unit 6: Energy, Work, and Thermal Equilibrium. If you haven’t read through the first two units, please do so now. To get started with these practice questions, let’s first examine the definitions of these three subject areas while making sure that they are clear in our minds:

We’ve got good news for you! The practice MCQs that you have been struggling with is now available on this website in PDF form. You can download them and take your time to do the exam that is set by the MCAT exam.

MCAT Practice MCQs Unit 6 and 7 with keys

MCAT Physics practice MCQs with answer keys, MCAT Physics practice MCQs for MDCAT entry test preparation, MCAT Physics practice FSC part 1 chapter 6 and 7.

  1. Which one is the example of longitudinal waves?

(A) Sound wave

(B) Ultrasonic

(C) Infrasonic

(D) All of these

2. Shock waves are produced by objects

(A) Carrying electronic charge

(B) Vibrating with a frequency more than 20 kHz

(C) Vibrating with large amplitude

(D) Moving with speed greater than the speed of sound in that medium

3. Mechanical waves on the surface of the water

(A) Transverse

(B) Longitudinal

(C) Torsional

(D) Both transverse and longitudinal

4. Which of the following waves do not carry energy away from the source

(A) Transverse traveling waves

(B) Standing waves

(C) Longitudinal waves

(D) EM waves

5. In sound waves during compression

(A) Density of medium is maximum

(B) Pressure of medium is Maximums

(C) Density of medium is minimum

(D) Both A and B

6. Sound waves produced by guitar are the type

(A) Longitudinal stationer

(B) Transverse stationary

(C) Transverse progressive

(D) Longitudinal progressive

Additional MCQs:

7· The value of constant ‘y’ for monoatomic gas is

(A) 1.40

(B) 1.67

(C) 1.28

(D) 1.29

8. Which of the following has the maximum auditable range?

(A) Dolphin

(B) Dog

(C) Cat

(D) Bat

9. If the number of loops of the stationary wave is increasing then:

(A) Wavelengths get higher

(B) Wavelengths get shorter

(C) Wavelengths become constants

(D) None of them

10. When a light signal travels along the length of the optical fiber, the power lost by it is due to:

(A) Reflection

(B) Refraction

(C) Scattering and absorption.

(D) Diffraction

11. Optical fiber carries data in the Form:

(A) Light signals

(B) Sound signals

(C) A wave

(D) A particle

12. The angle of incidence at which the angle of refraction becomes 90′ is called:

(A) Incident angle

(B) Angle of refraction

(C) Critical angle  

(D) Phase angle

13. A grating with high resolving power can distinguish……… difference in

(A) Smaller, amplitude

(B) Greater. Wavelength

(C) Smaller, wavelength

(D) Greater, intensity

14. The speed of light in a medium depends upon:

(A) Its wavelength

(B) Its Frequency

(C) Refractive index

(D) All of these

15. For which color of light the refractive index of glass is larger

(A) Red

(B) Green

(C) Blue

(D) Violet

16. A my d light passing from a rarer to a denser medium

(A) Bends toward normal

(B) Bends away from normal

(C) Suffers no change in direction

(D) None of these

17. In case of reflection of ray within a denser medium, angle of incident is

The angle of reflection.

(A) Greater then

(B) Smaller then

(C) Equal to 

(D) None of these

18. A train while moving whistling moves with a speed thrice the speed of sound away from a

Stationary listener. The frequency of the sound wave heard by the listener will become

(A) Three times

(B) One third

(C) 4 times 

(D) One fourth

19. A prism splits a beam of white light into seven component colors. This is so become

(A) Phase of different colors is different

(B) Amplitude of different colors is different

(C) Energy of different colors is different

(D) Velocity of different colors is different

20. Stars twinkle due to:

(A) The fact that they do not emit light continuously

(B) The refractive index of the earth’s atmosphere fluctuates

(C) The star’s atmosphere absorbs its light intermittently

(D) None of these

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