NMDCAT Biology MCQs Part 1 Unit 2 For Entry Test With Keys

NMDCAT Biology MCQs: There are many mental and physical ways to get ready for the MDCAT Biology unit 2 test. One of the best ways to do this is to look at past papers so you know how the test is set up. If you don’t have access to past papers or need more practice, there are many other ways to get ready.

NMDCAT Biology MCQs Part 1 Unit 2 For Entry Test

MDCAT Biology MCQs| MDCAT Biology Past papers with answer keys|Entry test MCQs of Biology

1) Which bond is the potential source of chemical energy for cellular activities? (Entry Test 2009).
a) C-N
c) C-H
b) C-0
d) O-H
2) Name the tissues that contain about 20% of water: (Entry Test 2009)
a) Nerve cells
c) Brain cells
b) Bone cells
d) None of these
3) Which of the following gives blue color with iodine? (Entry Test 2009)
a) Starch
c) Glycogen
b) Cellulose
d) All of these
4) The two strands in the DNA are coiled — to each other: (Entry Test 2009)
a) Parallel
c) Both A and B
b) Anti-parallel
d) None of these
5) Name the human tissues that contain about 85 % water: (Entry Test 2009)
a) Nerve cells
c) Brain cells
b) Bone cells
d) None of these
6) of the following terms, the one that includes all others is: (NSTC-8-Sample paper 2010-2012)
a) Oxidation
b) Respiration
c) Metabolism
d) Pollination
7) Genetic information is transmitted from DNA to (NSTC-8-Sample paper 2010-2012)
a) Amino acids
b) Chromosomes
c) Proteins
d) The site of protein synthesis
8) The basic element of all organic compounds is: (Entrance Self-Test-2011)
a) Oxygen
c) Hydrogen
b) Nitrogen
d) Carbon

Biology MCQs Part 1 Unit 2:

9) The number of types of amino acids that are found to occur in cells are: (Entrance Self-Test- 2011)
a) 20
c) 100
b) 25
d) 170
10) The major RNA in the cell is ribosomal RNA. It makes up: (Entrance Self-Test-2011)
a) 80 % of total RNAs
c) 90 % of total RNAs
b) 58 % of total RNAs
D) 40 % of total RNAs
11) Carbohydrates are organic molecules and contain three elements: (Entry Test-2012)
a) Carbon, water, and oxygen
b) Carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen
c) Carbon, calcium, and hydrogen
d) Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

Solved MCQs Unit 2 With Keys:

12) Which one are intermediates in respiration and Photosynthesis both? (Entry Test-2012)
a) Ribose and heptolose
b) Glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone
c) Glucose and galactose
d) Fructose and ribulose
13) Which of the following is a peptide bond? (Entry Test-2012)
a) –C-N
b) –CP
c) –CO
d) –C-s
14) Which of the following is an unsaturated fatty acid? (Entry Test-2012, 2015)
a) Acetic acid
b) Oleic acid
c) Butyric acid
d) Palmitic acid
15) Which of the following combination of base pairs is absent in DNA? (Entry Test-2012)
a) A-T
b) A-U
c) C-G
d) T-A
16) —— is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature. (Entrance Test-2011, 13)
a) Waxes
b) Starch
c) Glycerol
d) Cellulose
17) Which of the following is a keto sugar? (Entrance Test-2013)
a) Glyceraldehyde
b) Ribose
c) Dihydroxy-acetone
d) Glucose
18) Amino acid in which the R-group is hydrogen is: (Entrance Test-2013)
a) Glycine
b) Leucine
c) Alanine
d) Valine
19) Acyl-glycerol like fats and oils are esters formed by condensation reaction between:
(Entrance Test-2013)
a) Fatty acids and water
b) Fatty acids and alcohol
c) Fatty acid and glucose
d) Fatty acids and phosphates
20) Which of the following is purine? (Entrance Test-2013)
a) Guanine
b) Thymine
c) Cytosine
d) Uracil
21) The simplest monosaccharide containing keto group is: (Entrance Test-2014)
a) Glyceraldehyde
b) Glucose
c) Dihydroxy acetone
d) Ribose
22) Waterproof surfaces like cuticles of leaves and protective covering of insect’s body are:
(Entrance Test-2014)
a) Phospholipids
b) Terpenoids
c) Waxes
d) Acyl glycerols
23) Monosaccharides are major components. (Entrance Test-2015)
a) DNA, ATP, Ribulose bisphosphate, and Cysteine
b) DNA, NAD and Insulin
c) DNA, NADP, ATP, and Ribulose bisphosphate
d) DNA, RNA, and Myosin
24) Myosin is a ——- type of protein. (Entrance Test-2015)
a) Intermediate
b) Globular
c) Simple
d) Fibrous

Chapter-Wise MCQs Biology Unit 2:

25) Number of base pairs in one turn of DNA is: (Entrance Test-2015)

a) 10
b) 34
c) 2
d) 54
26) The compounds which polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone subunits are: (Entrance Test-2016)
a) Lipids
b) Proteins
c) Polynucleotides
d) Carbohydrates
27) Secondary structure of a protein is found in (Entrance Test-2016)

a) Trypsin
b) Insulin
c) Keratin
d) Glucagon
28) Waxes are formed by the combination of fatty acids with (Entrance Test-2016)

a) Alcohol
b) Serine
c) Glycerol
d) Cysteine

29) —- are the major site for the storage of glycogen in an animal’s body. (Entry Test-2017)

a) Muscle and liver
b) Around thighs and belly
c) Around belly and hips
d) Liver and kidneys
30) Most proteins are made up of types of amino acids. (Entry Test-2017)

a) 20
b) 25
c) 170
d) 200
31) If in lipids, there is a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, then it will be:
(Entry Test-2017)
a) Oils
c) Phenol
b) Waxes
d) Fats

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