Some Major Ecosystems Class 12 Unit 26 MCQs With Answer Keys

Some major ecosystems class 12 chapter 26 fully solved MCQs. All MCQs are from past papers of fsc Boards. short questions of biology 2nd-year chapter 26.

Some Major Ecosystems Class 12 Unit 26 MCQs

Freshwater ecosystem covers less than: (SWL. GI, 2016)
(A) 7%
(B) 5%
(C) 3%
(D) 1%

The productivity can be indicated by: (LHR. GI, 2015)
A) Consumption of CO2
(B) Evolution of CO2
(C) Consumption of O2
(D) Evolution of N2

The productivity of the aquatic ecosystem is determined by light and: (SGD. GI, 2015)
A) CO2
(B) Temperature
(C) Nutrients
(D) Water

Here, light is insufficient to support photosynthesis: (BWP. GI, 2015)(BWP. 2018)
(A) Littoral Zone
(B) Limnetic Zone
(C) Profundal Zone
(D) Phytoplankton Zone

The Zone, rich in life, in a freshwater lake is called: (DGK. GII, 2014)
(A) Littoral Zone
(B) Limnetic Zone
(C) Profundal Zone
(D) Desert

What will be the age of the willow tree 10 centimeters long and 70 centimeters in diameter? (SWL. GI, 2017)
(A) 40 years
(B) 50 years
(C) 60 years
(D) 70 years

The average rainfall in the temperate deciduous forest is between: (BWP. GI, 2016)(RWP. GI, BWP. GI, DGK. GI, 2017)
(A) 600-1500 mm
(B) 650-1500 mm
(C) 700-1500 mm
(D) 750-1500 mm

The biome, which has very fertile soil, rich in organic matter with maximum water holding
capacity is: (RWP. GI, 2014)
(A) Alpine Forest
(B) Temperate Deciduous Forest
(C) Grassland
(D) Desert

Coniferous forest located at high latitude are called: (SGD. GI, 2014)(LHR. GII, 2015)
(A) Alpine
(B) Boreal
(C) Taiga
(D) Prairies

Temperate deciduous forests are located in Pakistan at: (GRW. GII, 2015)
A) Shogran
(C) Mionwali
(D) Sind

Northern coniferous forest are called: (GRW. GI, 2014)(DGK. GII, 2015)
(A) Alpine
(B) Boreal
(C) Taiga
(D) Prairies

Coniferous forest located at high altitude are called: (MLN. GI, 2014)(DGK. GI, 2016)(SGD. 2018)
(A) Boreal
(B) Alpine
(C) Arctic
(D) Tundra

Chilas has a major terrestrial ecosystem: (GRW.G1, 2017)
(A) Deciduous forest
(B) Alpine forest
(C) Tundra
(D) Grassland

Layering is the characteristic of: (DGK. GII, 2016)
(A) Tundra
(B) Desert
(C) Taiga
(D) Grassland

The Macaca mulatta is biological name for: (AJK. GI, 2016)
(A) Black bear
(C) Deer
(D) Rhesus monkey

In temperate grassland the rate of primary production is about: (FBD. GI, 2016)
(A) 700-1400 g/cm?
(B) 700-1600 g/cm
(C) 700-1800 g/m²
(D) 700-1500 g/w2

The Grasslands having no woody plants are also known as: (BWP. GI, 2014)
A Prairies
(B) Savanna
(C) Alpine
(D) Boreal
(B) Chilas
(B) Cat

In Sindh, the desert ecosystem is called: (RWP. GI. 2016)
(A) Thar
(B) Thai
(C) Sahara
(D) Gobi

The biomes which has been increased in arca by human activities: (MLN. GI, 2015XL.NR. GII. 2016)
(A) Grassland
(B) Tundra
(C) Coniferous forests
(D) Desert

In which type of ecosystem is the smallest fraction of nutrients present in soil? (AJK. GI. 2015)
(A) Desert
(B) Forest
(C) Savanna
(D) Grass Land

Desert ecosystem of Bhakkar and Mianwali is called: (LIR.CI. 2014) (MLN. GII. 20173RWP. 2018)
(A) Thar
(B) Thal
(C) Cholistan
(D) Rohi

A succulent plant has water stored in tissue: (LHR. GI, 2017)
А) Cacti
(B) Moss
(C) Yarrow
(D) Spruce

Which one is not a desert? (LIIR. GI, BWP. GI, 2017)
(A) Thai
(D) Taiga
(B) Thar
(C) Sahara

The Mountain of Karakoram are located in major terrestrial ecosystem in Pakistan: (GRW.GI, 2016)
(A) Grassland
(B) Coniferous alpine forest
(C) Temperate deciduous forest
(D) Tundra

Tundra Ecosystem is located on mountains of: (GRW.GI, 2015).
(A) Karakoram
(B) Hindukush
(C) Sulaiman
(D) Both A&B

Perhaps the most fragile of all the biomes, because of its short growing season is:
(DGR. GI, 2014)
A) Tundra
(B) Desert
(C) Grassland
(D) Temperate Deciduous forest

The arctic tundra stretches across Northern North America, Northern Europe and: (LHR. GI, 2018)
(A) Cyprus
(B) Siberia
(C) Morocco
(D) Nepal

The zoological name of leopard cat is: (LIIR. GII, 2018)
(A) Felis-Domestica
(B) Felis-leo
(C) Felis pardous
(D) Felis bengalensis

The producers in the limnetic zone are: (GRW. 2018)
(A) amoebic
(B) cyanobacteria
(C) hydrilla
(D) crustaceans

The scientific name for rhesus monkey is: (FSD. 2018)
A Macaca muleta
(B) Taxus baccata
(C) Felis catus
(D) Solenorctor tibetanus

Cacti and Euphorbia are the desert plants which store water in their: (MLN. 2018)
(A) Fleshy leaves
(B) Fleshy buds

(Fleshy stems
(D) Fleshy roots

A dominant plant of the deciduous forest is the: (DGK. 2018)
(A) Cactus
(B) Euphorbia
(C) Acacia
(D) Taxus baccata

Light is insufficient to support photosynthesis in; (AJK. 2018)
(B) Limnetic zone
(C) Profundal zone
(D) Phytoplankton zone

some major ecosystems

Short Questions Unit 26

Important short questions from Some Major Ecosystems Unit 26 Fsc Biology 12th Class

Define productivity of an ecosystem.
List four adaptations in plants and animals for the terrestrial ecosystem.
Differentiate between prairies and savanna.
Define desertification?
Define Biome.
What Is Eutrophication?
Differentiate between weather and climate.
What are Thal, Cholistan, and Thar?

some major ecosystems short questions from past papers.

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