VU CS 304 Object-Oriented Programming handouts pdf

VU CS 304 Object-Oriented Programming handouts/notes In pdf download. Learning Object-Oriented Programming can be tricky, but it’s essential to many different programming fields. Luckily, our Virtual University of Pakistan students can find all the notes and handouts they need in PDF.

Download format from their CS 304 Object-Oriented Programming course page. You can scroll down to the Notes for the Class section. Download all the PDF files you need to ace this semester’s coursework! You can also download introduction to computer programming from here.

The list of topics covered in these notes is listed below.

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VU CS 304 Object-Oriented Programming:

Welcome to Part I of CS304! These notes are reliable to give you an overview of object-oriented programming. To really get a handle on it, you will want to work through all these chapters and do any exercises that accompany them. While I highly recommend reading each chapter, if time is short you should at least read Chapter 1 What is OOP and Chapter 2 Why Should You Care About OOP?

Data types, Structures and Pointers (VU CS 304 Object-Oriented Programming ):

The first step to OOP is understanding how data are stored in memory. All data have the type and certain operations on that data have defined behavior. For example, Integers store whole numbers (like 123) and floating-point numbers store real numbers (like 1.1). Strings hold collections of characters like Hello or Computer Science. The three main types of computer memory are RAM, ROM, and Hard Disk Drive (HDD). Computer store a code in a program file then execute it by moving it into RAM. In contrast, some data files do not need to move because they don’t change after transfer from their source (like an HDD.) Another way of storing variables is structs which contain other variables called members.


Your Key to Organizing Code into Blocks that Execute Independently and Simultaneously. A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. When you write functions, you organize your code into separate blocks that can execute independently and simultaneously; here’s how

Memory Management (Garbage Collection):

Garbage collection is a software design pattern and programming technique in which memory for objects that are no longer in use is dynamically resending to new objects. This is also famous for automatic memory management, tracing, or reference counting, and eliminates concerns about leaking objects or failing to release them properly, particularly in languages like C/C++ where users have to manage their own memory.

Java, Python, Ruby, and most other high-level languages implement garbage collection; JavaScript uses a reference counting mechanism (in browsers) but not on its implementations on the server-side. In many garbage-collected languages, like Python and Java, it’s possible to turn off garbage collection (the default behavior), either temporarily or permanently.


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