KIPS MDCAT Chemistry Book PDF 2022

Kips MDCAT Chemistry Book PDF download. It contains UHS Topic-Wise Content
Practice Exercises Diagnostic Test and Sample Paper for Entry Test.

  • 2825 Practice MCQs
  • Answer Keys with Solutions
  • Textbook Exercise MCQs from KPK & Balochistan Boards
  • Past Papers MCQs with Solutions
  • Topical Past Papers from PMC-2022

Kips MDCAT Chemistry Book Features

  • UHS Topic-Wise Content
  • Practice Exercises
  • Diagnostic Test
  • Sample Paper for Entry Test

Table Of Contents Chemistry Book

In this topic, the candidate should be able to describe and explain
Define relative atomic, isotopic, molecular, and formula masses, based on the 12C scale.

Explain mole in terms of Avogadro’s constant.
Apply the mass spectrometer technique in determining the relative atomic mass of an
element using the mass spectral data provided.

Calculate empirical and molecular formulas, using combustion data
Understand psychometric calculations using the mole concept involving. Reacting masses Volume of gases.
Physical Chemistry
Fundamental Concepts
States of Matter
Atomic Structure
Chemical Bonding
Chemical Energetic
Chemical Equilibrium
Reaction Kinetics

Transition Metals
Elements of Biological Importance
Fundamental Principles Hydrocarbons
Alcohol and Phenol
Aldehyde and Ketones
Carboxylic Acids
Amino Acid
Macro molecules
Environmental Chemistry
Sample Paper For MCAT Answer Key

Sample Practice MCQs

1. Inorganic compounds of nitrogen are not commonly found as minerals because
A) Nitrogen is an inert element
C) Its minerals are unstable
B) It is present in the air as a major constituent
D) None of the above

  1. During the manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process, a high yield is favored by high pressure and low temperature. However, in practice, a high temperature of 450°C is employed because:
    A) At low temperatures, reaction rates are too slow
    B) At low-temperature ammonia liquefies
    C) At low temperature, the catalyst is inactive
    D) At low temperature, the reacting gases would not react
  2. Why do farmers and gardeners often treat soil with ammonium sulfate:
    A) To kill harmful insects
    C) To increase the nitrogen contents of the soil
    B) To reduce the acidity of the soil
    D) To increase the oxygen contents of the soil,
  3. The nitrogen present in some fertilizers helps plants:
    A) To fight against diseases
    C) To produce fats
    B) To produce sugars
    D) To produce proteins
  4. Nitrates from fertilizers used on farmland can cause pollution. Why do nitrates pollute rivers:
    A) Nitrates are salts
    C) Nitrates contain oxygen
    B) Nitrates are very soluble in water
    D) Nitrate ions are negatively charged
  5. Nitric acid is prepared commercially by:
    A) Birkeland and Eyde’s process
    C) Wurtz-Fittig synthesis
    B) Contact process
    D) Haber’s process
  6. The temperature at which nitrogen oxidizes to NO during HNO3 production is
    A) 1000°C
    C) 2000°C
    B) I 500°C
    D) 3000°C
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