MDCAT Biology Part 1 MCQs Unit 1 Past Papers With Keys

MDCAT Biology part 1 Fsc MCQs from past papers of entry test with answer keys. Download MDCAT Biology solved MCQs for the preparation of MDCAT 2021-22. As you know that the NUMS MDCAT test Biology section is the most important part. To score high marks in the MDCAT all students focus on the Biology subject.

MDCAT Biology MCQs Chapter No 1

MDCAT Biology MCQs for online preparation of entry test examination. MDCAT Biology chapter-wise multiple-choice questions are arranged from previous entry test papers for the preparation of the MDCAT Biology portion. You may also like download the CARAVAN Biology MCQs Book from here

MCAT Biology MCQs from Past Papers

1) The branch of biology that deals with cell functions
is called: (Entrance self-Test-2011)
a) Histology
c) Molecular Biology
b) Physiology
d) Microbiology
2) Different tissues having related functions together
form: (Entrance self-Test-2011)
a) Organ
c) Organelles
b) Individual
d) Molecules
3) Statement made by a scientist that may or may not
be true is: (Entrance self-Test-2011)
a) Theory
b) Scientific law
c) Hypothesis
d) Statement
4) The method by which pests are destroyed by using
some living organisms are called: (Entrance self-Test-2011, 12)
a) Bio-pesticide
b) Integrated Disease Management
c) Biological control
d) Pasteurization
5) A relationship between two or more organisms of
different species in which all partners get benefit is
called: (Entry Test-2012)
a) Symbiosis
b) Commensalism
c) Parasitism
d) Predication

11th Biology Chapter 1 MCQs:

6) Populations of different species (plants and animals)
in the same habitat form a: (Entry Test-2012)
a) Community
b) Biosphere
c) Ecosystem
d) Micro-habitat
7). Part of the body that forms a structural and
functional unit and is composed of more than one
tissue is called: (Entry Test-2012)
a) Organ
b) Organ System
c) Organelle
d) the Whole organism
8) The simplest independent unit of life is known as: (Entrance Test-2013
a) Bacterial colony.
b) Chloroplast
c) Cell
d) DNA
9) Plants having foreign DNA incorporated into (Entrance Test-2013, 14)
a) Biotech plants
b) Transgenic plants
c) Tissue cultured plants
their cells are called:
d) Clonal plants
10) Pasteurization technique is widely used for
preservation of: (Entrance Test-2013)
a) Water
b) Milk products
c) Heat
d) Vaccines
11) Production of genetically identical copies of
organisms by asexual reproduction are ca Hed:
(Entrance Test-2013)
a) Genetic engineering
b) Integrated disease management
c) Hydroponic culture technique
d) Cloning
12) Use of living organisms in the industry for the
production of useful products is known as:
(Entrance Test-2014)
a) Parasitology
b) Biotechnology
c) Biochemistry
d) Molecular Biology

Entrance Test Biology General MCQs

1) Which one of the following is the correct sequence in
Biological methods?
a) Observation, Hypothesis, Law, Theory
b) Observation, Hypothesis, Deduction.l, Testing of
c) Hypothesis, Observations, Deduction, Testing of
d) Law, Theory, Deduction, Observations.
2) Which one of the following is employed in
Treatment of cancer?
a) Antibiotics and vaccination
b) Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
c) Chemotherapy and antibiotics
d) All of the above
3) Which of the following is not a viral disease?
a) Cowpox
b) Mumps
c) Tetanus
d) Smallpox
4) Which one of the following is not related to cloning?
a) Replacement of nucleus of the zygote, by another
the nucleus of the same organism
b) Separation of cells of the embryo to form more
c) The individuals resulting have similar genetic
d) Removal of a piece of DNA or gene from the cell, and incorporating another gene or pier. e of DNA in its place

MDCAT Biology Solved MCQs Fsc Part 1:

5) A large regional community primarily determined
by climate is:
a) Biomass
b) Biosphere
c) Biome
d) Population
6) In 1997, scientists in Scotland succeeded in cloning
a). Sheep
b) Horse
c) Goat
d) Cow
7) The study of parasites is called:
a) Paleontology

b) Histology
c) Microbiology
d) Parasitology
8) In the human body amount of oxygen is:
a) 50%
b) 65 %
c) 70 %
d) 40 %
9) The bio elements which account for 99% of total
mass in the human body are:
a) four
b) six
c) eight
d) three
10) Robert Hookereported his work in his famous
the publication is known as
a) Micrographia
b) Biologia
c) Zoologia
d) Britannica
11) Embryology is the study of:
a) Fossils
b) Tissues
c) Development
d) Internal gross structure
10) The study of the distribution of animals in nature is
a) Zoogeography

b) Biodiversity
c) Geography
d) Wildlife

Entry Test MCQs From Biology 1st-Year:

11) Populations of different species, living in the same
habitat form a:
a) Biome
b) Biosphere
c) Ecosystem
d) Community
12) The bio elements which account for 18 % of the total mass
in the human body is:
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon
c) Hydrogen
d) Nitrogen
13) Study of the social behavior of humans is called:
a) Anatomy
b) Social Biology
c) Paleontology
d) Physiology
14) The tentative explanation of observation is called:
a) Hypothesis
b) Deduction
c) Law
d) Theory
15) A group of similar cells that perform similarly
function is:
a) Organ
b) Organelle
c) Tissue
d) System
16) The percentage of potassium in the human body is:
a) 0.15%
b) 0.05%
c) 0.35 %
d) 0.25%
17) The percentage of hydrogen present in human
body is:
a) 20
b) 15
c) 10
d) 5

Important MCQs 11th Biology With KEYS:

18) Which one is a trace element?
a) Calcium
b) Chlorine
c) Zinc
d) Phosphorous
19) Study of functions of different parts of an
a) Morphology
b) Physiology
c) Anatomy
d) Ecology
20) The number of species of insects are:
a) 22.5%
b) 17.6%
c) 15.5 %
d) 53.1 %
21) the Living substance of living things is called:
a) Cytoplasm
b) Cell
c) DNA
d) Protoplasm
22) The branch of biology that deals with the study
of ancestral history of living organisms is called as:
a) Paleontology
b) Zoogeography
c) Evolution
d) Heredity
23) The technology used for achieving eugenic aims:
a) Gene therapy
b) Radiotherapy
c) Chemotherapy
d) Cloning
24) The number and variety of species in a place is
a) Population
b) Community
c) Biodiversity
d) Diversity
25) The first-ever clone was prepared in 1997 in:
a) England
b) Ireland
c) Scotland
d) Maryland
26) Percentage of calcium in the human body is:
a) 1%
b) 2%
c) 3%
d) 4%
27) The lowest percentage of bio elements in man
among the following, is:
a) Chlorine
b) Sulphur
c) Maganese
d) Iron
28) An aphid that attacks walnut tree is being
inserted into the host through:
a) Blood cells
b) Bone marrow cells

c) Bone cells
d) Muscle cells

Solved MCQs Biology For Entry Test:

29) The Unit of Life is called:
a) organ
b) cell
c) tissue
d) organelle
30) Which one is macromolecule?
а) Н,0
b) CO2
c) 02
d) Starch
31) Histology is the study of:
a) Cell
b) Functions
c) Tissues
d) Fossils
32) Technique which is used to check, whether a certain
the nutrient that is essential for the plant is:
a) Integrated disease management
b) Hydroponic culture technique
c) Cloning
d) Pasteurization
33) The reasoning that moves from general to specific
a) Deductive
b) Inductive
c) Scientific
d) Theoretical
34) In human body, percentage of carbon (C) is:
a) 65 %
b) 10 %
c) 18 %
d) 3
35) The branch of Biology which deals with the study
of environmental relations of organisms is called:
a) Morphology
b) Ecology
c) Evolution
d) Zoogeography
36) In the human body, the amount of phosphorous is:
a) 1%
b) 2%
c) 18%
d) 22%
37) Pasteurization is widely used for the preservation of:
a) Food products
b) Meat products
c) Milk products
d) Meat
38) A group of living organisms of the same species located
in the same place and time is called:
a) Population
b) Community
c) Individual
d) Biome

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